Hey What's Up? My Name Is Jared
I’m Jared Moore: internet entrepreneur, bad golfer, husband, and dad. Not sure which I do best, but I’m on a mission to become better at them all.
Oh- I’m also a car enthusiast. If you know me from the car world, this is what you are looking for.

Nine to Five Escape Artist
And I’m damn proud of it too. I mean, I’m practically living out my dream so far. I’m working from home with talented partners and colleagues, passionate about my projects- all while being there for my family. Plus, let’s not forget the ultimate perk – being able to make a real difference in people’s lives.
I didn’t get here by accident though. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies. Being an Entrepreneur sucks- and it’s lonely. But to me, it is worth it all.
Welcome to my journey.
What do you do for work?
What Would You Say ... You Do Here?
This is a question I get a lot. Its kinda hard to explain what I do in lamens terms, so here it is:
I am an Entreprenuer, a small peanuts investor and a scrappy marketing strategiest.
I haven’t been a “corporate employee” for well over a decade now and prefer this career that I have built for myself. Cubicles suck, are soul crushing, and is just not for me. The path I chose is much riskier and more stressful, but as they say, “to win big, you’ve gotta bet big”.

Not sure where it came from, but...
I guess I'm a Car Enthusiast?
It’s kinda funny, I’m not sure where I got bit by this bug. That and my Reef Aquarium which is a whole different story. Anyways, somehow I started liking cars as a kid and have been on a mission to set goals and get cooler and cooler cars along the way.